5 Clues from the Natural World, 5 Brilliant Ways to Respond To Them

We truly become smarter, healthier and more vibrant as we increase the attention to our bodies and to what is happening in the natural world around us. These tips are a natural response to the shift in seasons; a delicious way to live smarter and be healthier. 

Clue: The moon is Full. 
The time for finishing a project or a creation is done. Tomorrow the moon starts to wane and this is a clue for us to put our new ideas aside, celebrate what we have accomplished, harvest the fruits of these accomplishments, take a breath and relax. It is done… it is done… it is done… The new moon is the time for planting seeds and starting new projects. The full moon is time of celebration and the relaxing into the feeling of accomplishment.  
Response: We celebrate our completed projects and put new ideas aside.

Clue: The trees are dropping their leaves. 
The energy of the natural world is starting to pull in to the trunks and roots to prepare for winter. The trees release their leaves to the wind and start to turn inward. This is a clue for us to do the same. After the outward and very social energy of the summer, this is our time to start to pull our energy back into our center, more moments in quiet, more time at home, reading books, meditation, introspection. It is a balanced season between the inward and the outward. So find ways to balance this in your life and your daily choices.
Response: We begin to turn our energy inward.

Clue: There is a chill in the air.  
This is a clue that tells us to focus on eating warming foods, leaving the raw, cooling foods of summer behind and move towards soups and teas and roasted vegetables. 

GIFT FOR YOU! The Golden Elixir has been used for centuries to attune our bodies to the change in season. When you come in for your November appointment: I will gift you with the herbal mix and recipe for making your own Golden Elixirs. It is a brilliant response to the chill in the air. 
Response: We eat warming foods.

Clue: The wind is blowing, the rain is falling.  
Our protective energy, or Wei Qi, or immunity can be penetrated by the wind and rain. This is how we end up with ‘Colds’. Help you Wei Qi out by wearing protective clothing and staying warm and dry. Don’t go out with wet hair, keep your neck covered, and wear shoes that keep you feet warm and dry. It seems simple, but during our seasonal transitions we do get caught in the weather unprepared; standing in the rain in our summer sandals. If you do feel like you have ‘caught’ something, come in to see me right away. 
Response: Wear warm clothing that keeps you dry. 

Clue: The nights are longer.  
Nighttime is our time for sleep. It is in sleep that we plug in and resource ourselves for the next day. When the nights are longer, this is a clue for us to begin to sleep longer. Even if it is by a half hour a night throughout the Fall, the shift helps us stay in connection to the shift in seasons, and this does a world of good for our mind, our body, and our emotions. 
Response: We sleep longer.

Click here to talk to me about more fall-ish things!