Why Am I So Tired? Re-Sourcing: Personal Remedies for Fatigue

Often the answer lies simply in Re-sourcing. I use the term frequently in my work to describe a crucial element of our lifestyle. To re-source is to fill up our internal stores of energy; to enhance our bodies resources. Our resources are our riches. Our riches allow us to thrive in our life. It benefits us greatly to find effective and lovely ways of re-sourcing. 

We use energy in our movements and our work in the world. We use our resources, and therefore must replenish them. When we don't, we become fatigued, we burn-out, we wilt. What happens when you do not water your houseplant?  

We have stores of energy, nutrients, blood, fluid, and Essence that are the resources of our internal environment. They keep our body working. We rejuvenate these stores with food, water, the air we breath, with sleep and dreams, and with our own personal ways of renewal; time in nature, a bath, time alone, meditation, yoga, cooking, tea with a friend, putting our hands in the dirt. There are many ways we can choose to do this, but choose we must... 

Many imbalances in the body stem from a lack of resource. These imbalances may lead to symptoms from fatigue to restlessness. Lassitude to anxiety. Depression to insomnia. The self care necessary to replenish is worth it's weight in gold. If we do not take care of ourselves, then we cannot take care of another. If we do not take care of ourselves, then our bodies start to suffer and we are less capable of doing our work in the world. If we do not love ourselves enough to put ourselves first, then how can we truly love another? 

I treat so many people that are running on empty. Shoot, I find myself there frequently. We can only run on empty for so long before things start falling apart. It is simply how the material world works. I will refrain from the automobile analogies. 

The buzzing energy of running on empty usually circulates in the upper body, causing symptoms like headaches, dizziness, anxiety, neck and shoulder tension, over-thinking, or hot flashes. It is very common that this buzzing is accompanied by an undeniable fatigue below it. And the most popular go-to's for feeling tired are caffeine and sugar, which accentuate the upper body buzzing and the deeper fatigue. 

When we listen to what our body is actually asking of us, we find forms of re-sourcing that have to do with grounding this buzzing energy and taping into the nourishment of a deeper frequency. We may be called to slow down, settle in, to be quiet and actually rest. Sometimes it only takes a few minutes. Our source energy resides in our lower abdomen and pelvis. The Dan Tian, which is below the navel and above the pelvic bone, stores and generates a deep frequency of energy that resonates with the Earth. It is kind of like our battery pack. Plugging into the Earth in whatever way (breathe in Nature, connect bare feet to the ground, meditate into the Earth, hug a tree... really!) not only gives a ground to the buzzing energy of running on empty, but we also receive energy from the Earth to recharge our batteries. Ground the buzz and boost the energy. 

It is Essential your own authentic practices that re-source your center of vitality. Literally; of the Essence. For our center is our Essence.

Here are a few of mine:

  • Read a book in the hammock

  • Go to bed early

  • Take a salt bath

  • Dance by myself

  • Walk in the woods, sit by a tree, listen to water

  • Meditate

  • Sometimes is as simple as taking a few breaths of fresh air.

Many of these help me to plug myself back into the Earth, which is analogous to recharging a device. Literally, we are electric beings, and we must not only recharge, but also balance ourselves out with the magnetic. This means rest and relaxation, luxuriating, taking moments of doing absolutely nothing. Often we have run on empty so long that we also need some acupuncture and herbs. We need to re-set and then re-source. Brilliant Medicine can re-set the imbalances that cause the physical symptoms of fatigue and burn out. And help uncover ways of re-sourcing so that you can thrive in your life.