What Is The Body Intelligence Project?

With over 40 years combined experience in East Asian and Western Medicine, Reya and Debbie now offer this beautifully crafted treatment. They put all of their hands-on experience and intelligence together into one potent package - providing you with the best possible outcome…

Why am I tired and wired?

Its called stress. And I know that just saying that can make us feel even more stressed. So I will cut to the chase and offer some very potent things you can do on a daily basis to lower the amount of cortisol running through your system. Cortisol is one of the main stress hormones, liberated into the blood stream to prepare the body for fight or flight. But we don’t actually need to be in fight or flight all day long…

How Can I Improve My Sleep?

A good night’s sleep is one of the best things for our health. When we are down or feel like we are getting sick, a good night’s sleep can generally take care of things. In childhood, sleep is a time when the body does much of its growth and development. As adults this is when our body takes the time to repair, renew and recalibrate itself.  Sleep is brilliant and wholesome medicine…

What is the best thing I can do for my digestion?

Diets and nutrition programs profess to be the cure-all for everyone. But how can this be when we are so incredibly different? Even though no one can really tell us ‘what’ to eat exactly, here are a few guidelines for ‘how’ to eat. If your digestion is not causing you to suffer in any way, then you don’t necessarily need to shift anything…

Got Seasonal Allergies?

 Over the last few years, I have noticed that seasonal allergies have been shifting into all-year-long allergies for many folks. For those who are both susceptible and who are only receiving treatment for the symptoms that arise with an allergic reaction, this can be make for very uncomfortable phases all throughout the year…

What is personal sovereignty? 4 unique ways to access your autonomy.

I’ve been reading and hearing the word “Sovereignty” a lot lately. It seems we humans are pulling this word, “Sovereignty,” back into our vernacular vocabulary. I read this word in books. I hear it spoken among friends and my heart lights up making me curious…

Why Am I So Tired? Re-Sourcing: Personal Remedies for Fatigue

Often the answer lies simply in Re-sourcing. I use the term frequently in my work to describe a crucial element of our lifestyle. To re-source is to fill up our internal stores of energy; to enhance our bodies resources. Our resources are our riches. Our riches allow us to thrive in our life. It benefits us greatly to find effective and lovely ways of re-sourcing…

Have You Been Cupped Lately? 4 Reasons Why Cupping Is All the Rave!

Have You Been Cupped Lately? 4 Reasons Why Cupping is All the Rave. 

Cupping is amazing. It feels amazing and it does amazing things for your body. Cupping is a therapy that originated both in the East and the West. Roman and Greek practitioners of Medicine used it. Traditional cupping techniques have been preserved for thousands of years by practitioners and doctors of Chinese and East Asian Medicine.

1) Cupping is time-proven!

It is one of our most ancient therapies. It is suction therapy, originating with shamanic practitioners or medicine people using the sucking of breath to rid their patients of evil influences. Then devices such as bamboo cups, hollowed out animal horn or bone started being used. Glass cups have also been used for thousands of years. Suction a very effective therapy for pulling out infection, sucking out boils and other pleasantries. This is essentially the same philosophy of pulling out or sucking out evil. The Chinese character for evil also means that which does the body harm. Suction is also a very effective therapy for pulling out tension from the tissues of the body. The tension we hold in our muscles and fascia does the body harm. Tension obstructs the healthy flow of Qi, blood and fluids through areas of our body, it can keep our structure from aligning properly, it can keep us injured and it can cause us a lot of pain. In this way, cupping is still pulling the evil out. And it ends up looking like red or purple circles on or around the areas that have been cupped. These are not bruises. They are called 'marks' and they are part of the therapeutic process of cupping. Can you say Michael Phelps?

2) Cupping is super popular because it is super effective!

The cupping brings this coloration to the surface so that it may release. The tiny capillaries and tiny surface meridians in the upper layers ofyour tissue respond to the suction therapy and release the tension held there. As long as the marks are there, the therapeutic process is still happening. Most people feel the full effects of the cupping after the marks go away. Although the experience of being cupped is very enjoyable in the moment. 

3) Cupping feels really good!

"I can't believe how good this feels!", "Why does this feel so good?", "It feels like you are sucking all my tension away!". These are common comments I hear when cupping my patients. 

Resent studies on cupping have shown that the local fascial webs that may be knotted up from injury or chronic tension reset themselves into functioning and aligned fibers as the cups pass over them. It is interesting, you can actually feel that happening. As traditional massage techniques press inward and break up tension in the tissue, cupping therapy pulls outward, breaking up tension and also giving it an escape route from the body. When done correctly, you do not feel sore after cupping, you feel liberated. 

4) Cupping can be done at home!

Many practitioners are starting to use cupping in their clinics now, because it is so effective; chiropractors, physical therapies, doctors of western medicine, and massage therapists. I am passionate about sharing the history and philosophy of cupping and teaching methods that create the least harm. You can over cup someone. You can make thins worse. There are parts of the body and areas that are not indicated for cupping. There are things to pay attention to to make it as safe and effective as possible. With all of this known, it is a very simple and easy to use technique to use on yourself, your loved ones, and your clients. During the cupping classes we discuss the history, we talk about different cups and different cupping techniques and we do a lot of hands on so that you leave feeling fully competent and confident in your skills. Classes are open to individuals, couples, practitioners and body workers.

Come in and see what all the rave is about!

Happy healing!
