ReSpire Sessions allow you to use simple conscious breathing techniques to enhance your vital life force and move deeper into your body's living experience of divinity. With Reya and Karuna's gentle guidance, your breath techniques gradually shift awareness from surface layer processing in the frontal brain to a deeper experience of your rich and wise inner reality. The change in oxygen distribution throughout your system and brain, allow a transfer of the more active aspects of thought to shift from the cortical functioning (our more analytical mind) to the more archaic brain. Day to day functioning of our frontal brain shields us from vast sources of input: the cosmic, the visionary, the creative, the body-centric earth wisdom.  This is an opportunity to let the shields down and connect with those sources. It is not an out-of-body experience. The environment enhances your in-body cosmic experience.

The opportunity to breathe with yourself in this way provides a deep sense of connection to your own wisdom, an indescribable sense of well-being, access to other dimensions of your own reality, and a deep sense of belonging and calm. Many speak to remarkable visions that offer solutions and guidance from a level they had not accessed before. Many feel a shift in their physical body. Many feel at peace. These are all common results from an extraordinary and quite simple medicine. It is Brilliant! Read More

Join us second Friday's of the month and give yourself the gift of ReSpire.

What: 90 minutes of Breath work, therapeutic touch and sound healing.

Where: Saturn Building, 3417 Evanston Ave N, Suite 410

When: Second Fridays

11/11 - Soul'd Out

12/16 - Soul'd Out

1/13 - Soul'd Out

3/10 - Respire Breathwork @ 7pm

4/17 - Respire Breathwork @ 7pm

Bring a yoga mat, blankets, props and pillow... whatever you need to have a comfortable trip.