Breath as Medicine

The simple act of deepening the already automatic breath is of immense benefit for our health. Even a little amount of stress increases the tension we hold in our bodies, and this tension causes our breath to become more shallow. But we need oxygen for our health, for energy, for our brain to function, for everything our body is designed to do…

Transition to Fall with Ease and Vitality

Transition to Fall with Ease and Vitality

The transition time between the seasons are powerful times. This period between summer and fall is particularly dynamic and beautiful. The light is different, the leaves are changing, there is a chill in the air. Personally, the way I feel in my body starts changing. I start thinking about making soup, reading my growing stack of books, turning inward and cuddling up on the couch in the evening, taking walks as the trees start to release their leaves…

Healthy Body | Healthy World

Within East Asian Medicine, we work with microcosms and macrocosms.  All aspect of the Universe interrelate and interdepend. This is an understanding of the world of fractals. Fractals are the basic yet complex pulsing in and out of Creation, the expansion and construction or spanda of form and formlessness…

Got Seasonal Allergies?

 Over the last few years, I have noticed that seasonal allergies have been shifting into all-year-long allergies for many folks. For those who are both susceptible and who are only receiving treatment for the symptoms that arise with an allergic reaction, this can be make for very uncomfortable phases all throughout the year…

Herbal Consultations: Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine

I offer consultation in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine (TCHM) as a form of scientific artistry. The knowledge I have is based on one of the greatest preserved complete herbal systems of the world, with an unbroken tradition going back to the 3rd century BC. Throughout history the medicine has continually developed in response to changing clinical conditions, and modern lifestyle, and has been sustained by research into every aspect of its use. This process continues today with the development of modern medical diagnostic techniques and knowledge. 

My training is in the traditional form of Chinese Herbology. My assessment of your condition and symptoms, allows me to prescribe raw or patent herbs to you as a stand alone consult or part of your treatment plan.

Chinese Herbs are a safe and very effective way to treat many conditions. When I say safe, I mean safe. You can take the herbs I prescribe to you when you are taking other forms of medicine because I take into consideration all your medications as part of the assessment. 

Do not take Chinese herbs from anyone, even an acupuncturist, who is not specifically trained for this. There are many acupuncturist who studied acupuncture techniques and not Chinese medicinals. It is a complex, sophisticated system that can be dangerous and can make you very sick if not prescribed by a qualified physician. Do not take Chinese herbs from a western doctor who is not Board Certified in Chinese Herbology. It is very enticing for other practitioners to offer advice regarding Chinese herbs to their patients because the Medicine is so effective, and because the regulations are still quite lax.  It is also very common for doctors to tell you that Chinese Medicine is not safe for this or that condition. It is safe as long as you are working with a fully qualified practitioner.  In the pharmacy, we source our herbs from US companies with the highest standards and testing procedures. Detailed information on our sources is available upon request.

The philosophy behind TCHM is very different from what we are used to in the West. Our modern health craze and supplement craze promote this or that miracle herb as the answer to everyone’s problems. Chinese Medical prescription are very rarely one herb, they are mixed in combinations called formulas. Formulas are specifically design for you and how your body is showing up. It can certainly be a miracle cure, but it is not for everyone. Just because something helped for your allergies, does not mean it is going to help your friend’s allergies. It would be so much simpler that way. But we are not simple. 

We are complex beings with very unique things going on. And this medicine matches your complexity. That is why the medicine is so Brilliant. It is intelligent and works in accord with the intelligence of your body. It is specific and unique, and the herbal treatments or consultations that I offer you are custom designed for you. That is the secret to their success.

5 Clues from the Natural World, 5 Brilliant Ways to Respond To Them

We truly become smarter, healthier and more vibrant as we increase the attention to our bodies and to what is happening in the natural world around us. These tips are a natural response to the shift in seasons; a delicious way to live smarter and be healthier…

Herbal Artistry: Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine

I offer Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine (TCHM) as a form of scientific artistry. The knowledge I have is based on one of the greatest preserved complete herbal systems of the world, with an unbroken tradition going back to the 3rd century BC…